December 5, 2016

IDC Report: Cloud Increasingly Proving HPC Capabilities 

HPC in the cloud offerings are increasingly providing HPC capabilities outside the traditional HPC vendor/user relationships, according to the IDC’s latest HPC update issued at SC16 in Salt Lake City.

HPC cloud services “are offering both the hardware and software needed to attract traditional HPC users to their services, and many expect that once the pricing models for these services settle down, more and more traditional HPC workloads will be pushed out into a cloud environment.”

ACTnowHPC is one of the services being used by traditional HPC users who are looking to cloud-based computation as a way to complement their in-house capabilities.

According to the IDC, the cloud-based HPC market could grow to more than $10 billion by 2020.

Have you used cloud HPC resources? Get started today by signing up for a free trial at ACTnowHPC.